UEC DSD4921 Software Update

To perform a manual software update for the Altech UEC DSD4921RV please follow the instructions below

Download the installation instructions from HERE

On a clean USB stick, please download the following file from HERE
Double check the file is saved on the usb stick with the name ‘upgrade.uec’

Turn off the power for to your DSD4921RV by unplugging the power supply

Plug the USB Stick into the rear USB port on the DSD4921RV

Press and hold the P- button onthe front display while plugging the power supply back in.

Keep holding the P- button  unitl you see a Blue/Grey screen saying “Software  update – USB” –  release the P- button.

Wait for 5-10 minutes for the software update to complete.  On completetion the DSD4921RV will restart and boot normally. You can then disconnect the USB Stick